Ewald Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram of Oconomowoc

Aug 19, 2022

School is back in session and Ewald CJDR Oconomowoc has an Autumn sale that can keep drivers on the road! The changing of the seasons can be harsh on your tires. If it has been a long time since the tires were replaced, it may be time to visit our Waukesha tire shop!

Waukesha Tire Shop

The quality and condition of tires can vary greatly. Proper inflation, good driving technique, and stable environments are all important when protecting the condition of your tires. However, even if you don’t drive on the tires, they will need to be replaced eventually. Kelley Blue Book even suggests replacing tires, at most, every six years.

Typically, drivers will cover 12,000 to 15,000 miles in a year. Even though this is the average, tires can vary greatly in terms of longevity. Drivers might need to replace their tires in 25,000 miles or 80,000 miles. Drivers unaware of their tires’ condition can visit our Waukesha dealership. Ewald CJDR Oconomowoc has a tire store near you that can help you evaluate them.

Back-to-School Sale on Tires!

With most schools starting again, Ewald is holding a back-to-school tire sale. Parents and students can find exciting deals on multiple tire brands. Our technicians can help you choose a standard brand or something more specialized. Whatever you choose, we have a back-to-school sale on four tires before 10/31/2022, including a $100 gas card!

Customers buying four tires before 10/31/2022 from Ewald CJDR Oconomowoc will receive a $100 gas car.

Inspecting Tires On Your Own

Do you know how to recognize wear and tear on your tires? Student drivers are just getting started. It can help to practice your routine maintenance with your first car. Even older car owners can benefit from a review!

Tread is the most important characteristic of a tire, other than its inflation. Car owners can notice the deep grooves around the outside edges of the tire. These grooves generate traction, helping your car stick to the road. This tire tread is even more important in places like Wisconsin. Roads in our state can become easily wet or slick with ice. These unfavorable conditions can be dangerous, especially on inclines and declines. 

As the tire ages, the tire’s tread will wear away. Car owners can notice deep grooves becoming flat around the edges of the tire. If you noticed the tread vanishing, it is most likely time for a replacement. Not only will our Waukesha tire shop help you replace your tires, but we will also help you find the best deal! Locals can rely on our team for a sale on tires. 

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Do you need a tire sale near you? Drivers looking to evaluate and replace their tires can schedule an appointment at Ewald CJDR Oconomowoc! Our team is eager to help you learn more about tire maintenance. You can save on back-to-school replacements by visiting our tire store near you!